Beginners Course
In order to be able to provide a decent introduction to new starters, we now provide a number of beginner courses at various times throughout the year.
By limiting numbers of beginners to certain start times, we are able to ensure we have coaches available to dedicate an hour to teaching the basics of fencing with the aim after the initial course that you will be of a safe standard to join the club and fence anyone else.
Juniors will finish the evening at the end of the structured course each week, however adults will be able to remain until 9pm.
After the first session, you are required to obtain British Fencing Membership. Details of which are on the BF website here. Standard adult membership for recreation is approximately £30 per year.
We have a minimum age requirement of 12 years old.
Course Dates
Our next beginners course dates are:
15th August 2024
7th November 2024
Cost for the course £25 per person.
Each course runs for 6 weeks, however if there is a non-fencing night due to availability then the course will continue until the topics are completed.
Course Structure
Week 1
General Introduction – Fire Exits and Muster Point. Weapon safety, weapon and kit checks. Fencing etiquette
The Grip, Stance and On-Guard (4 positions)
Stepping forwards and back, straight thrust and lunge (lunging distance)
Simple attack, Simple parry and direct Riposte
(If time) Disengage and counter Disengage attacks
Week 2
Revise all the above – any questions?
Semi- circular and Circular parries with Ripostes
(If Time)Attacks avoiding Parries (attacker knowing the parry) possible one two attack.
Revision and Questions?
Practice one two attack (known parry) leading into compound attacks ( parry not known)
Week 4
Preparations of attack Coule, Froissement, Pressure Beat etc. Step Lunge (combine these)
Week 5
Build a fencing phrase possibly including indirect ripostes
Week 6
Continuations of attack, Remise Reprise and Redouble
Please note this is a general outline only, it is not set in stone. Everybody learns at different rates. (Feel free to ask questions at any time, and if appropriate the Coach may change the lesson to answer your question.)
Above all if you don’t understand something ASK QUESTIONS